Thanks! That's very helpful

Buying Any Condition iPhones/Galaxy. **Repairs** in McMinnville, Yamhill, Oregon

Cell Phones Everywhere, McMinnville, Yamhill, Oregon
1.00 $


Still buying, selling, trading, and repairing phones now under LICENSED LLC Matt's Mobile Madness & Smartphone Repair LLC. Needing to buy ANY condition, color, carrier, storage size, or model iPHONE. Prefer 5 and newer, 5/5c/5s/6/6+ will consider 4/4s. Before contacting me so it is simple know and have available the following info if selling/trading a phone to
Matt's Mobile Madness:

•Model #--
•Storage Size (Gigabytes)
•**Is iCloud/ Find my phone logged in? The if so can it be logged out??
•**CONDITION, broken screen/won't charge etc...
•Please note if it has water damage, or has ever had ANY
•****ASKING PRICE!*****
I do my best to work with every customer and come as close to their REASONABLE asking price I can. Not every situation, or circumstances fit every customer. So give me a ballpark number to start with.


>>>(971) 312-1407<

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Views 139
Listing id 9104
Post date July 2, 2015 10:06 PM
Last edit July 2, 2015 10:17 PM
Result 0 votes
Matt Miggz
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