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Yanmar YM 240 Tractor with trailer and accessories in Cleveland, Bradley, Tennessee

Farm Equipment Southeast, Cleveland, Bradley, Tennessee
3800.00 $


1980s Yanmar YM 240 tractor, rotary cutter, box scrape and trailer for sale, asking $3800.

Runs great
Was made in the '80s but aren't sure of exact year
645 hours
48-inch box scrape
48-inch rotary cutter
Liquid filled rear agricultural tires
Weighted front
8-speed high and low transmission
2 speed PTO
Diesel engine

Only tractor and box scrape shown in picture; can send pictures of other items by request.

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Views 65
Listing id 6409
Post date May 26, 2015 4:50 PM
Result 0 votes
Tanya Bumgardner
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