Thanks! That's very helpful

LOT of CAT6 ethernet cable, port panels, pulling line, patch cables, battery backups, etc!!! in Waymart, Wayne County, Pennsylvania

Miscellaneous Waymart, Wayne County, Pennsylvania
1800.00 $


Too many items to list!!! Over $2900.00 worth of all new, unused items, selling for $1800.00, SELLING AS ONE LOT...WILL NOT SPLIT UP!! See pics and make arrangements to come look for yourself. If you know someone who either owns or works for a company that does internet or security system installs in the home or office please let them know I have this stuff for sale.
SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE...Call me at 570-470-2400. This is listed on other market places.

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Views 273
Listing id 62895
Post date July 12, 2018 7:04 PM
Result 0 votes
Denise Millon
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