Thanks! That's very helpful

Car audio subwoofers in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin

Audio/Video East, Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin
35.00 $


I have a few different car audio subwoofers, i no longer use and am looking to get rid of. I have 2 10" Rockford Fosgate Punch Stage 1 subs in a sealed box. Theyre Single Voice Coil 4 ohm subs. I have a single 10" Kenwood sub in a sealed box. It's a Dual Voice Coil 4 ohm sub, and I also have a single 10" MTX Magnum in a sealed box. It too is a Dual Voice Coil 4 ohm sub. They all work and sound great. I'd be happy to sell them all at once, or individually.

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Views 141
Listing id 54187
Post date February 11, 2018 3:50 PM
Result 0 votes
Matthew Tuggle
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