Thanks! That's very helpful

Iphone X 256GB and 12.9 inch Ipad Pro 64GB in Grayson, Carter County, Kentucky

Cell Phones By High School, Grayson, Carter County, Kentucky
1550.00 $


Both AT&T, both still in sealed up original box, and can be sold indivually or as a package for greater discount. Would like to get $875 for the phone (Retail is $1149), $775 for the tablet (Retail is $930), or as a package for $1550. Prices are firm and non-negotiable. Clean IMEI's but would like to meet at AT&T store to confirm and provide reassurance to buyer. Thats well over a $500 savings.

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Views 174
Listing id 53422
Post date January 11, 2018 3:32 AM
Result 0 votes
Richie Savage
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