Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful
Thanks! That's very helpful

Raleigh - Route 3.0 - Multi-speed Bike in Montville, Geauga, Ohio

Sporting Goods Montville, Geauga, Ohio
300.00 $


I am selling a Raleigh, Route 3.0 -Multi-speed bike. I purchased the bike approximately 1 year ago (04-08-14) for $428. It was only used approximately 5 times last year as the bike is to big for my needs. If you are interested and would like to schedule a time to look at the bike, please contact me at (440) 336-7197 and ask for Jerry. The bike is being stored in Wickliffe

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Views 243
Listing id 4760
Post date April 23, 2015 6:09 PM
Last edit April 23, 2015 6:18 PM
Result 0 votes
Jerry Smith
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