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Nikon COOLPIX L340 Digital Camera with 28x Zoom & Full HD Video in Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky

Cameras Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky
180.00 $


This camera is in fantastic condition, barely used. Nothing wrong with it, I used it once at a friends wedding and a few Special Olympic basketball games. All images attached for you to see the features and accessories I took, expect for one. I found a 'stock' image online that showcases the camera better than I can do with my phone, so I attached it also.

It comes with the following:
- Len's protector with secure strap, so the lens cap doesn't get lost.
- Carrying case with strap
- Lens Cloth
- Large and small tri-pod's
- Blank 32BG storage card
- Four (4) brand new batteries.

Brand new, it cost $240.00 in January 2016.

This camera does high-resolution photos and videos from near, far and everywhere in between. It uses a 28x optical zoom telephoto lens and has the vibration reduction feature. It's has 20.2-megapixels for photos and allows steady video using a 720p HD. You can also use it's, scene auto select feature, which takes the work out of trying to figure out what setting in order to get great images. If you're feeling froggy and adventurous, then you can use the simple menu system to select one of 16 pre-installed scene modes. I'm sure there is on that will fit whatever situation you find yourself in.

It zooms up to 28x using a NIKKOR glass telephoto lens, so it will capture details for either far away or close-up. It even has the, dynamic fine zoom, feature for an enhanced digital zoom, which can increase your zoom range by 56x. You can instantly switch between photo and video, and has a great built-in microphone that captures sounds in high fidelity.

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Listing id 42027
Post date July 31, 2017 9:32 AM
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Cara Peterman
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