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Garage Sale - June 16th and 17th in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin

Garage Sales Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin


I'm having a yard/garage sale this Friday (June 16th - 8am-5pm) and Saturday (June 17th - 7am-3pm) at 117 Cumberland Ln. We have books (a lot of Fiction), Pop Funko (vinyl figures), household items, holiday fixtures, some women's clothing, an inversion table, headboard, blinds, curtains, lamp bases, Misc. coffee mugs, misc. kitchenware, some misc. sporting equipment, American Girl doll clothing, barbies and accessories and other misc items.

Rain or shine!

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Listing id 37691
Post date June 14, 2017 2:53 PM
Result 0 votes
Samantha Schwartz
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