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CPL Classes in Presque Isle, Michigan

Miscellaneous Presque Isle, Michigan
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Northern Michigan Concealed Pistol class, Second to None. Teaching this course since 2001 when Michigan became a Shall Issue State. Join us for a 1 day class from 9 AM to 5 PM. Class is taught by an insured NRA Certified Instructor with 40+ years pistol experience. Legal section taught by an Attorney specializing in concealed Carry laws. Also teaching Personal Protection Out-side the Home, basic & advanced. Renewal classes also available. Firearms and Ammo available upon request. Continental breakfast, Lunch, Eye & Ear protection provided. Some discount do apply. Class is limited, call to reserve your seat 231-238-7787 and for dates. A deposit of $25.00 is required to secure your seat. Indian River Area. Visit our Facebook page: Northern Michigan CPL Classes

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Views 80
Listing id 3257
Post date March 16, 2015 2:56 PM
Result 0 votes
Sandra Stanton Drozdzewski
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