Thanks! That's very helpful

Desk, shelves and file cabinet in Bluffton, Beaufort County, South Carolina

Furniture New Riverside, Bluffton, Beaufort County, South Carolina
750.00 $


Downsizing my home office and selling desk, shelves and file cabinet. For conditions, see picture.
Desk (dimensions: see pictures): $250
3-drawer file cabinet (w: 20", h: 48", d: 18"): $250
2 shelf units (w: 31.5", h: 48", d: 18"): $175 each
Small desk shelf: $50
If sold together: $750 ($150 saving)
Cash only. Pickup only.
Pick up in Alston Park, Bluffton
PM me if interested.

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Views 811
Listing id 294036
Post date October 16, 2023 6:45 PM
Result 0 votes
Tor-Eddie Fossbakk
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