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Dried flowers on Antaimoro Paper Wall Art Set in Pewee Valley, Oldham, Kentucky

Household Pewee Valley, Oldham, Kentucky
10.00 $


Dried Flowers on Antaimoro Paper purchased at Disney World in 1990s then framed in 15x12 frames.

Antaimoro paper is made from the avoha tree bark in the south of Madagascar. The bark is transformed into paste with water, then spread and decorated with plants or local flowers and dried in the sun or under the moon. This cream-coloured decorative paper is used to make lampshades, envelopes, bond paper and even bags.

"Item located in Booth 127 at Clover Cottage, 7614 Hwy 146, PeWee Valley KY, 502-618-4825,

Great Items and Great Buys!!!"

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Listing id 29025
Post date March 5, 2016 3:48 PM
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Carla Rich
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