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2002 Fleetwood Bounder in Grayson, Carter, Kentucky

RVs/Campers Grayson, Carter, Kentucky
29.00 $


I am selling my 37 ft Motor home. It is a 2002 Fleetwood Bounder. It has 29,000 miles on a Ford F10 engine and is in excellent condition and very well taken care of. Plenty of closet space and lots of storage. Has a brand new Sealy Posturepedic mattress in it which is not a camper mattress. Has a Onan 550 generator, new washer and dryer, side by side double refrigerator and freezer with ice maker. Brand new toilet still under warranty. 2 new house batteries. Flex Steel sectional couch with entertainment center. New shocks and Serpentine belt, alignment and oil change. Even has new windshield wipers, and a brand new recliner for your comfort! All for the low price of $29,000. Here are the pics. Call me at (606) 316-0929 and I will meet you for a showing anytime.

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Listing id 27373
Post date February 15, 2016 4:11 PM
Result 0 votes
Karen Skogstad
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