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Signed valigorsky rendering of crazy horse in Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas

Miscellaneous 620, Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas
2500.00 $


This is a artist rendering of the monument crazy horse.drawn by Ed valigorsky a well known artist.he has drawn for lots of comics,NASA,popular mechanics.this one inpaticular is commisioned y popular mechanics in the 1970,s and is signed by corzack ziolowski.whom carved the monument crazy horse.and appreciated on Mount rushmore.he was commissioned by the local native Americans to carve out this beautiful image.the value of this piece comes from multiple the artist simalar ones he did for popular mechanics which is on antique roadshow sold for .$18,000.this also is a piece of American history and is signed by the sculptor himself.and on the back has a number 1.being the first won't find another one anywhere in the Jonathan at 620 218 8790

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Listing id 264747
Post date January 4, 2021 10:20 AM
Last edit January 4, 2021 10:22 AM
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Jon Davenport
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