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Living/Dining room sets in Winfield, Cowley, Kansas

Furniture Winfield, Cowley, Kansas
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Couch, loveseat, two end tables with two drawers each, coffee table with two drawers, china hutch with glass shelves and mirrored back, large rectangular table that seats six and includes two leaves that expand table to seat twelve, and six dining chairs. All matching and in fair to good condition. The tables all have signs of wear on the top but otherwise are in good condition. The hutch is in very good condition and all glass in excellent condition. Couch has removable back cushions and throw pillows, seat is one solid cushion. All solid wood and very VERY heavy. They are being stored right now and need to be sold. Asking $2000 per set (living room and dining room sets) or $3700 for all.

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Views 82
Listing id 25273
Post date January 19, 2016 12:25 AM
Last edit January 19, 2016 12:34 AM
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