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Garage Sale/Estate Sale in Yerington, Lyon County, Nevada

Garage Sales Dayton, Yerington, Lyon County, Nevada
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Single family estate sale. Electric bikes, instant pots, 2 living room sets, bedroom sets, kitchen and dining room items, large solid wood dining room table with lazy susan and 8 chairs, roll top office desk, multiple book shelves some tall some short, DVD's, TOOLS - Dad's entire tool shop, 4 1/2 HP 25 gallon Air compressor, 3 gallon air compressor, power sanders, drills, table saws, grinders, skill saw, torque wrenches, air hammers, propane eater, chain saws, weed eaters, blowers, pole saw, lawn mower, power washer, ceiling storage unit- brand new-, camping supplies, back stretcher, weights, home and pro-audio supplies, too much to list and MORE. EVERYTHING GOES!! If you think you need something, it's probably HERE!

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Views 162
Listing id 251620
Post date February 12, 2020 10:59 AM
Garage Sale Date February 12, 2020
Garage Sale End Date February 16, 2020
Result 0 votes
Emily Hart
0 votes

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