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HUGE Indoor Yardsale with antique and modern furniture, antique/ vintage trinkets and collectibles, in Taylors, Greenville, South Carolina

Garage Sales Taylors, Greenville, South Carolina


HUGE Indoor Yard Sale this Friday Nov. 6th from 9am - 5pm and Saturday Nov. 7th from 8am - 2pm at 708 Old Rutherford Rd in Taylors, SC! We have antique and modern furniture, antique/ vintage trinkets and collectibles, lots of lamps, dolls, books, household appliances (such as a full sized refrigerator and microwaves of various sizes), framed artwork, and lots of other unique items you would expect to see at a yard sale! We will be having the sale rain or shine since it is indoors. Browse the photos posted below for a sneak peak at some items we have for sale and visit our website to see some individual photos of some of the furniture we have available!

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Listing id 19409
Post date November 4, 2015 8:10 AM
Result 0 votes
2 Crazy Ladies
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