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Underwood Typewriter, 1927 in Warren County, New Jersey

Other Flemington, Warren County, New Jersey


This is a 1927 Underwood typewriter. It is not in perfect condition due to its age, but the paint looks good, the logos and decals are clearly visible. No keys are missing, and it has been in storage inside a non smoking, no pets home. Already looks good enough for a display piece or home decor. Alternately, it an be restored to working order, or a craftsperson can use parts for art items. I am asking $40, but I am open to offers. Text or call 908-200-6153 before 8 PM for details.

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Views 61
Listing id 177828
Post date January 14, 2019 2:07 PM
Last edit January 29, 2019 3:02 PM
Result 0 votes
Timothy Hallinger
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