Thanks! That's very helpful

Motorola Cell Phone 3GS in Adolphus, Allen, Kentucky

Cell Phones Scottsville, Franklin, Westmoreland And BG, Adolphus, Allen, Kentucky
85.00 $


excellent condition, purchased thru Blugrass Cellular 3 months ago, can prove there's no contract on it, use any service or buy minutes! Upgraded to another phone is why selling! Internet, Camera,store pics and contacts, videos, games, weather, news alerts, wide touch screen, easy to read and use by touch, customer service access anytime for help! Call me or Pm, OBO, will meet u! Will sell quickly, don't miss a great deal! 270 606 0972. Charged and ready

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Listing id 17521
Post date October 10, 2015 5:25 PM
Result 0 votes
Candy Maxwell
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