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Workout Equipment in Valley Park, St. Louis, Missouri

Household Valley Park, St. Louis, Missouri


Numerous pieces of workout equipment for sale. All in great condition and gently used. Cash only and willing to put pieces together and make a deal.

Image 9.5 Elliptical - $250
- Great machine that easily comes apart for storage. Back has wheels to easily move around as needed.
- Screen area includes a fan that helps keep you cool
- See the machine and price on Overstock

Century Boxing Bag & Accessories - $100
- Very gently used boxing bag with 4 sets of gloves

Gold's Gym Pull-Up Bar & Ab Enhancing Straps - $25
- Goes great in any door frame and the extra straps help workout the core

Hand weights (5 lbs each) - $20
- Enhance your workout or walk with these easy to use hand weights

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Views 39
Listing id 12964
Post date August 15, 2015 10:07 PM
Result 0 votes
Amanda Bowen Kirn
0 votes

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