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Retail Business Items For Sale in Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas

Miscellaneous Topeka, Shawnee, Kansas


1. POS-X cash drawer / Symbol barcode reader and POS-X thermal receipt printer combo $140. Good working used condition. Come with all cords and interface cable.
2. White slat wall gondola style 2 sided displays. 3 available. Good used condition. Very good quality. $100 each or $250 for all three.
3. White round two-tier display table. Good used condition. $100 (Second one available for $40-legs were damaged in move but this is repairable)
4. White extra-large rectangular display table with nesting tables. 2 available. $150 for 3 table set and $125 for 2 table set.
5. Clear retail hangers-children’s size 12” and 14”. Set of 50 for $15

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Views 72
Listing id 11734
Post date August 3, 2015 4:11 PM
Result 0 votes
Jackie Sommers
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