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Home Gym Equipment in Sauk, Wisconsin

Sporting Goods Sauk, Wisconsin
600.00 $


Need room for new equipment. Need Gone!!! All for sale equipment is in good condition and priced way below what it would cost new. 100 to 150 dollars each or 500 for all. The seated row was over 400 new alone. Available for purchase is the seated row, 100lb heavy punching bag and stand, lat pulldown with attachments. I also have a dip and pull up station for 50 dollars, and a incline decline bench for 50 dollars. The Olympic style bench will go for 200 dollars. Am willing to deliver in most of the Sauk County area. Call Mike @608 566 9548. All prices final.

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Views 89
Listing id 11605
Post date August 2, 2015 1:58 PM
Result 0 votes
Mikal Johnson
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