Thanks! That's very helpful

Moving Sale, china cabinet, Broyhill Bedroom Set, Dining Table, washer and dryer in Crestwood, Oldham County, Kentucky

Furniture Crestwood, Crestwood, Oldham County, Kentucky


Moving Sale, Many items to list, must sell by end of June. Reasonable price will be accepted.

Bedroom set: Broyhill furniture include Dresser, Chest, Head Board and Two Night Stand's for $750.
China cabinet $250 and Formal dining table with 5 chairs $220.
Breakfast glass table with 4 wooden chairs $250,
Bunk bed twin over full with storage under the bed $95, two gel infused memory foam mattress for bunk bed $150.
Tempurpedic head adjustable base Queen foundation (couple of years old) for $450.
Three computer tables with chest and chairs, price varies.
Black 3 seat corner seats recliner, loveseat and recliner chair $350.
Brand new in box tempered glass TV stand $80

Ultra-High-End Home 7.1 Channel Meridian Digital Home Theater System includes:
861 V4 processor
DSP6000 (two) 24 bit
DSP5500 (two) 24 bit
DSP5500 (one center channel) 24 bit
DSP33 (two) 24 bit
D1500 Sub woofer
DVDO Duo Video Scaler
Oppo Blu-Ray Player 103
Tempered glass AV Rack

Epson HD 3D projector
110 inch Stewart electric motorized screen

Honda CBZ250R motorcycle (less than 800 miles) for $2800 or vest offer.

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Views 159
Listing id 59642
Post date June 2, 2018 7:34 AM
Last edit June 2, 2018 7:40 AM
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Srinivas Reddy
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