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For Rent in Hanahan, Berkeley County, South Carolina

Real Estate Hanahan, Hanahan, Berkeley County, South Carolina
925.00 $


Very Nice Two Bedroom one Bath Duplex Apt In Hanahan..Just listed Today. Washer and dryer in Unit. Off street parking with security lighting. Entire exterior of building repainted in October. New Roof and Hvac Sys installed last Summer. Quite Neighborhood close to Boeing, Tanger Outlet, Grocery and Parkcircle. Located on Jones Street just off Yeamans Hall Rd. Close to Police, Fire and is part of the Hanahan School District. Professional landscaping conducted bi-weekly. $925.00 a month security deposit equal to one months rent. Pets allowed with $250.00 pet deposit. This property won't stay empty long. Serious inquiries only please..843-744-9140. Please leave a message, we'll call you right back.

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Listing id 52399
Post date December 7, 2017 1:51 AM
Result 0 votes
Anthony Cerko
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