Thanks! That's very helpful

Metro PCS ZTE BRAND NEW **NEED GONE ASAP** in Toms River, Ocean County, New Jersey

Cell Phones Toms River, Ocean County, New Jersey
150.00 $


One of the best phones I've had. Asking $150. Condition is BRAND NEW. box and all. Not a crack, scratch, etc. Case included. For metro PCS but can be unlocked. It's a beautiful phone. Brand New from the store it's $200+ so it's a great deal considering it's in the same condition. Located in Tom's River. Need gone ASAP. SERIOUS BUYERS ONLY! Email me at [email protected] or text me at 848-223-9645 or message me here.

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Views 137
Listing id 50620
Post date November 11, 2017 10:49 PM
Result 0 votes
Gabby Tyrrell
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