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Avon Royal Sapphire Collection in Sebring, Highlands County, Florida

Kitchen Items Sebring, Highlands County, Florida
125.00 $


This is a set of stunning blue dinner ware. The pattern of cut glass depicts a leaf and diamond pattern. The plates and bowls have a scalloped edge. A beautiful addition to the table of display. This exquisite, very delicate China is in excellent vintage condition. This is a gorgeous pattern. France Royal Sapphire is quite popular. The Glassware is marked with the word "France".

Four Dinner plates measure 10 ¾". Four Tumblers are 3 ¾" high. Four Water glasses, 14 oz., 5 ½" high. Four Cups are 3 ¾" high. Three Salad/dessert plates measure 8". Three Bowls are 2 ¼" high and 6 ½" at top. 22 pieces total.

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Post date July 14, 2017 8:06 AM
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