Thanks! That's very helpful

Tennis balls - used in McMinnville, Yamhill, Oregon

Sporting Goods McMinnville, McMinnville, Yamhill, Oregon


Please help me. My name is Jordan and I am a Labrador retriever. My favorite activity in the whole world is chasing tennis balls. I've chewed up or lost every last one of my owner's tennis balls. He said lots of people just throw them away when they don't bounce very good anymore. I think that's a terrible waste of tennis balls, so if you have any please don't throw them away, but let me know if I can have them. I'd be so grateful. I'll even let you throw one and I'll bring it right back to you!

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Listing id 3968
Post date April 6, 2015 2:52 AM
Result 0 votes
Bob Lippmann
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