Thanks! That's very helpful

Old Church Windows Needed in Bedford, Carroll County, Kentucky

Miscellaneous Bedford/ Carrollton, Bedford, Carroll County, Kentucky


In need of 4 matching old church windows to replace broken ones.
Size: Approx 8 ft high at top peak by 35 inches wide.
Some old churches are replacing their windows but they seem to sell quickly. Willing to pay reasonable price for them. Carroll, Trimble, Henry, Oldham in KY or will also consider Madison, Indiana surrounding areas within a 100 mile radius of Carrollton or Madison. Willing to pay reasonable price.

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Views 866
Listing id 37041
Post date June 8, 2017 1:56 PM
Last edit December 11, 2017 5:46 PM
Result 0 votes
Shirley Nall
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