Thanks! That's very helpful

Metal Shipping Container in Waldo, Alachua County, Florida

Miscellaneous Gainesville/Starke, Waldo, Alachua County, Florida
1200.00 $


This is an 20' x 8' x 8' metal shipping container that has been outfitted with 2 big shop lights, a work bench, ceiling fan, roll up wide door, and electric receptacles. This container is in good shape and does not leak. This container would make a great workshop for any individual needing additional space to store tools and/or work on projects. Obviously due to its size it would have to transported. Please be aware that the cost to have it transported will have to be negotiated between buyer and transport company of their choosing.

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Views 552
Listing id 35500
Post date May 26, 2017 10:27 AM
Last edit May 26, 2017 10:36 AM
Result 0 votes
Kathy Slifer
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