Thanks! That's very helpful

2 Bed 1 Bath Renovated House in Mio in Mio, Oscoda County, Michigan

Real Estate Mio, Oscoda County, Michigan
650.00 $


One mile north of the Au Sable River sits this beautiful 2 bedroom 1 bath house in Mio, MI. The house received a $25,000 renovation which brought in tile floors throughout and in-floor heating. The bathroom has a claw-foot deep-soaking tub, and the kitchen has a cast iron sink sitting on hand-placed tile for the counter top. The kitchen/living area has tall vaulted ceilings with ceiling fans installed. There is a laundry room right across from the bathroom and the washer and dryer come with this rental. The stove and refrigerator are the other appliances that come with it. A cat OR a Small dog are allowed.

Please contact Ben Ellis at (989) 889-1129 for any questions you may have or to schedule a time to come and view the property.

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Views 185
Listing id 33840
Post date May 11, 2017 4:17 PM
Last edit May 11, 2017 8:41 PM
Result 0 votes
Ben Ellis
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