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Corbin, KY House for Sale in Corbin, Laurel, Kentucky

Real Estate Corbin, Laurel, Kentucky
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This not a rent or lease to own and no one out side the US will be answered. This is a 3/1 home on approx. 1 acre. It was completely gutted about 7 years ago. Every thing was replaced from wiring, insulation, flooring walls, windows, kitchen, bathroom and so much more. All to Kentucky code.
It has a sm. front porch and a lg. back porch with a storage barn. It would be great for a family but it has been rented to one person for the last 4 years. Give me a call at 419-551-0353 for more info on everything we did. $$74,900 OBO

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Views 1990
Listing id 31703
Post date April 2, 2016 9:00 PM
Last edit April 2, 2016 9:08 PM
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