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Great digital zoom camera and photo printer for sale!! in Mt. Sterling, Montgomery, Kentucky

Cameras Mt. Sterling, Montgomery, Kentucky
80.00 $


A Kodak Easy Share C743 with 3x zoom/7.1 mp, Kodak camera carrying case, Kodak Easy Share G600 w/printer dock (and a few unused film prints), and all accessories and items (usb cables, power cords, software cd's, owners manuals, etc) for sale. Great items, minimal to moderate use, and still in great condition. Everything works fine, NO issues at all. Just downsizing, and selling items we don't use that much. Not included, batteries and sd card. All Kodak items and a great set for anyone, especially starting/inspiring photographers!!!

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Listing id 2988
Post date March 8, 2015 8:21 PM
Result 0 votes
Joshua Evans
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