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Foster Families Needed in Oklahoma City, Cleveland County, Oklahoma

Miscellaneous Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Cleveland County, Oklahoma


Foster Parents needed! Even during these trying times we are going through it is more vital than ever we have enough Foster Homes for our children here in Oklahoma. There are over 7,500 kids in care throughout the state and we need more Foster Homes. This is your chance to open your home to one of the many children who have been removed from their home for no fault of their own to provide them a stable placement with the love and care they need. We would love to help you get started in that process. Come join us at TFI and become part of our family. Connect with us at or call us at 833-7FOSTER to get started. Remember – Oklahoma kids need you!

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Listing id 256121
Post date June 8, 2020 3:22 PM
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TFI Family Connections
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