Thanks! That's very helpful

The Crafters Connection in Onamia, Mille Lacs County, Minnesota

Miscellaneous Downtown, Onamia, Mille Lacs County, Minnesota


HEY EVERYONE!! We are opening a NEW store in downtown Onamia. It is called "The Crafters Connection", we are a consignment store for Crafters and Artist can have an outlet store to display and sell their items. Everything must be made by the Vendor (no food please), NO wholesale items allowed, with the exception of blanket and pillow items, embroidery off a pattern and any item made from a kit in that category. We hope to open the store Oct 1st if we have enough Vendors to fill the store. Vendors do not need to be present, as I said it will be a consignment store. We are only charging 30% and the Vendor set's the price per item. Store payments would then be sent out once per month. For further info on consigning with us and any other questions, contact Cathy at 320-738-1080 (office) or 320-339-4736 (cell). We hope to hear from you and can't wait to see what ideas other Crafters and Artist come up with.

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Listing id 244615
Post date September 3, 2019 6:14 AM
Result 0 votes
Wade Birt
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