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For Sale By Owner in Wynnewood, Garvin, Oklahoma

Real Estate Wynnewood, Garvin, Oklahoma


Asking 49,000, Cute 3 bedrooms - 1 remodeled full bathroom. House is on a corner lot. New: roof, siding, thermo windows (tilt in top and bottom for easy cleaning), plumbing, water lines, sewer lines and electric wiring with in the last 5 years. Remodeled country kitchen with an open floor plan into the living room. New carpet threw out the house. Utility room with washer and dryer hook up. 3 window units and ceiling fans in every room to keep you cool in the summer. On back of house there is a deck with a roof to keep you dry, while enjoying your morning coffee in privacy.

Large yard with swing and rock garden pond to relax by in the evenings, flag pole, corner deck, vegetable garden, parcel privacy fence. Garage and 2 storage building. If you would like to see the place or need more information please call. 405-207-8261

No land contacts, owner financing, rentals or rent to own please!!!

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Listing id 24316
Post date January 7, 2016 5:27 AM
Result 0 votes
Karen Coy
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