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Martin Cougar Magnum M-15 Compound Hunting Bow + 2 Arrows. in Milford, Hunterdon, New Jersey

Sporting Goods Milford, Hunterdon, New Jersey
75.00 $


Martin Cougar Magnum M-15 Compound Hunting Bow! Two Bonus Wolverine Arrows!

On the auction block is a Martin Cougar Magnum M-15 Compound Hunting Bow with two bonus Wolverine arrows. I found this bow in my attic and I have no other information other than what you see in pictures. It says Deerslayer on the side and the serial number is: CLMX 52047-7. It looks like its missing a couple of metal rods at the top and the strings look a little beat up.

• Full 15 lb adjustment range
• Serial number is: CLMX 52047-7
• Two bonus Wolverine arrows 32” long
• 48” long x 12” wide x 2” deep
• Green and yellow with wood

This bow is in used condition and some parts are missing. I have no experience with bows so it is being sold in as is condition. Please view pictures carefully and contact me with any questions.

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Views 3080
Listing id 23784
Post date December 31, 2015 4:56 PM
Result 0 votes
Maryann Appel
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