Thanks! That's very helpful

Furniture for sale in Beaver Falls, PA in Beaver Falls, Beaver, Pennsylvania

Furniture Beaver Falls, Beaver Falls, Beaver, Pennsylvania
1.00 $


My daughter has all kinds of furniture/misc for fast sale: Futon; clothes (girls up to age 7/8; teens/misses/womens; boys 10/12 up to mens)dressers; tables/chairs; toys; household items; Home Interiors; small stands; student desk; compound bow; 2 upright freezers; filing cabinet (4 drawer)girls/womens shoes; oak kitchen cabinets (hardly used)dishwasher; king size bed frame/mattress; double bed frame (white antique)lego wagon/legos; book bags; bicycles; weight bench; china cabinet; Leer truck cap (1996 - 2000 Chevy Silverado)

EVERYONE please read my comments and text or call 724-544-5903 with any further questions. Nobody is managing this post we have no time to get on and too much to list. Will make arrangements for viewing items at first come first serve basis. NO HOLDS on anything. Tons to go 3 properties to purge too much to list and no time to snap pics or wait on people to pick up. Everything is in good if not great condition and most big items heavy and will need at least two men to move. have no time to get on and too much to list. Will make arrangements for viewing items at first come first serve basis. NO HOLDS on anything

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Views 85
Listing id 9417
Post date July 6, 2015 7:41 PM
Last edit July 8, 2015 7:35 PM
Result 0 votes
Colleen Probst Misner
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