Sette Couch in HOWELL, Livingston County, Michigan

Furniture HOWELL, Livingston County, Michigan
100.00 $


This sette couch is in great condition, frame is strong, material is in good condition, no rips or tears. I was able to take the cushion cover off and wash it, you can see that the rest of the couch will clean up great, just don't have a shampooer to do it myself. The pictures do not do this couch justice. If interested I can try and get better pictures. The cushion has lots of life left in it. I love the couch just do not have the space for it anymore.
Asking $100 o.b.o.

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Views 65
Listing id 49498
Post date October 26, 2017 10:48 AM
Last edit October 26, 2017 10:52 AM
Result 0 votes
Kerri Lynne Brenay
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