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Vintage 1977 Avion RV $2,000.00 Great find! Tiny House Potential in Ephrata, Grant County, Washington

RVs/Campers Off Dodson, Ephrata, Grant County, Washington


1977 Avion RV only 2,000+ of these made. Great condition inside, only half remodeled however. Fixer upper. We used it as a guest cabin and just hooked up power. Does need a new battery. It ran when we parked it 4 years ago but needs work. The lights, refrigerator, oven, microwave and air conditioning do work. Not sure on water because we never hooked it up. No leaks inside, new upholstery on the dining and couch cushion. Newly painted cabinets and new knobs. New flooring in main area. Great start for someone looking to make into a TINY HOUSE! or like us just needing space for folks who visit. Call for additional information 509-398-6989

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Listing id 247897
Post date November 11, 2019 4:48 PM
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Dawn Anderson
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