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Tae kwon do Sparing Equipment in Grafton, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin

Sporting Goods Grafton, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin
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Tae kwon do Sparing Equipment. 3 vest (1 size 2 (small), 1 size 3 (small) and 1 sized Small), 1 half finger glove (Small), 2 full gloves (Small), 2 small headgear and 1 medium headgear, 2 sets of shin guards, 1 boys jockstrap, 3 travel bags and 1 kick pad. We can figure out the price based on your need. I have some small sized uniforms but they have a specific studio printed. Entire lot was ~$300 new.

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Views 107
Listing id 244883
Post date September 8, 2019 4:07 PM
Last edit September 8, 2019 4:08 PM
Result 0 votes
Michael Davis
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