Thanks! That's very helpful

Joe Rogan Tickets on August 23rd - 10:30 PM - Two Tickets for price of one in Denver, Denver County, Colorado

Miscellaneous Platt Park, Denver, Denver County, Colorado
160.00 $


Hi everyone,

I have two tickets to Joe Rogan on August 23td at 10:30. They are in Orchestra 2, Row 325, seat 205 & 206. Just trying to reap back what we purchased them for since we're huge Rogan fans and have to head up to WA to see a sick family member.

Asking $160 total for both tickets (The current price of one on Stubhub and other sites)

We are happy to meet and transfer, do venmo, or pay pal. Whatever works. Just hoping our loss can give someone else an epic night out.

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Listing id 241659
Post date July 13, 2019 1:08 PM
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Bri Candea
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