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Triangle flower buds in Pike County, Alabama

Health & Fitness Hochiminh, Pike County, Alabama
10.00 $


Triangle flower buds
- Style: Fresh
- Use: Drink tea...
- Packaging: 250gr/bag or as customer’s requirement
- Triangle flower buds have very strong anti-tumor effect.
- Flower buds are very good for the heart, treat high blood pressure, reduce blood fat, prevent stroke.
- The ventricular buds support liver disease.
- Stomach-venting buds work with heat, cooling and cooling.
- Reducing aches and pains, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, support angina, osteoarthritis, treatment of gastric ulcers, support rapid healing after surgery, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial.
- Triangular buds against anemia.
If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contacts us at email: [email protected]
Telephone: (84)28.3511.6807

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Post date July 5, 2019 2:07 AM
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