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Reclining Couch and Recliner Set in Florissant, St. Louis, Missouri

Furniture Florissant, St. Louis, Missouri
350.00 $


Beige color micro-fiber, no tears, no rips, no dings, no stains. Couch has 2 reclining wall-hugger seats and a drop-down table in the middle that comfortably holds 2 dinner plates and 2 cups. The couch is approximately 89 inches long. Chair is a rocker and is also a wallhugger recliner. The pictures don't do it justice! This matching set was purchased from Ashley Furniture 3 years ago for $1600 and is still in mint condition. I'm asking $350 for the couch and $250 for the chair.

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Views 39
Listing id 17630
Post date October 12, 2015 11:09 AM
Result 0 votes
Anna Murray
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