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Vintage Morse Toyota Super Dial Sewing Machine in Table Super Heavy Duty Runs Well! in Saint Ann, St. Louis, Missouri

Household Saint Ann, St. Louis, Missouri
150.00 $


I am selling a super duty, vintage, and highly sought-after Toyota Morse sewing machine that comes housed in its own table. It is in good condition, has been tested, and runs fairly well. About all I would do is maybe throw a new belt on it, but it might need a minor tune-up as well. If it does, it would only be very minor, as it seems to run just fine. It comes with everything pictured including the table and a box full of extra bobbins, the original instruction manual, spools of thread, safety pins, buttons, etc. The instruction manual has seen better days, but it is all there. Also, the table has a number of long surface scratches on it, but something tells me that won't be a deal-breaker. This is a fantastic, hard-to-find machine! I would like to get $150 OBO, and I would like to meet in the Saint Ann/Bridgeton area. Cash only, no haggling in person, and serious inquiries only. POOS. If interested, please respond to this post or inbox me. Thanks!

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Listing id 14168
Post date August 28, 2015 10:42 PM
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David John
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