Whirlpool front load washing machine in Bay St Louis, Hancock, Mississippi

Appliances Spanish Acres, Bay St Louis, Hancock, Mississippi


I have a front load washer, HE, Whirlpool, holds 12 pair of jeans in one load. Runs well, have had no trouble with it. Door latch is broken, but it closes tight. Will sell as is for $100. My dryer died so I decided to buy a matching set since I've never had one. If you want, you can have the dryer -either motor burnt out or switch that starts motor is broken - it does not work but if you are handy, maybe you could fix it. Cannot deliver. Must be picked up and cannot help load.

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Listing id 23574
Post date December 28, 2015 5:42 PM
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Arlies Savell King
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