restaurant and kitchen equiptment in French Lick, Dubois, Indiana

Appliances Downtown, French Lick, Dubois, Indiana
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1 credit card mashine,4 hotpoint fridges, glo ray food warmer,bunn coffee mashine commercial,to go cup dispencer, 3x chest freezers, sharp cash register,5compartment large food warmer with plate warmer,true salad/prep refridgertor,round up steamer,3 x winco food warmers, 1 ember glo grill large with stones, 2 basket deep fryer, 1 4 basket deepfryer with hood ansl. system commerc., true bottle coler 2 department top loader,kenmore elect.range, 2 x 3 compartment sinks with l +r drain, cookhack smoker commerc., 4 4seater booths with tables,1 6seater booth with table, 18 condiment holders,3 50"s bar stools

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Listing id 30815
Post date March 22, 2016 5:06 PM
Result 0 votes
Ramona Münzer
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