LG Home Dehumidifier w. Auto Restart. in Florissant, St. Louis County, Missouri

Appliances Florissant, Florissant, St. Louis County, Missouri
350.00 $


FOR SALE: 1 LG home dehumidifier with auto restart.
This home dehumidifier is in both excellent condition/shape. It's approximately 6 years old. It comes with a front removable water bucket. It can also be set up for garden hose type drainage.
Those that are interested in coming out/seeing the dehumidifier may do so by calling the following phone number Sunday-Saturday 8-8.. That phone number is: (314) 455-9270.
The person that buys the dehumidifier must be able to come out to our home, pay for the dehumidifier/deliver it to their home. We'll not deliver.
This is a CASH ONLY transaction. No other forms of payment will be accepted.

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Listing id 237137
Post date April 22, 2019 5:55 AM
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Jeanne Stangl
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