Kenmore washer and dryer in Burke, Fairfax City, Virginia

Appliances Burke, Fairfax City, Virginia
500.00 $


Kenmore Elite Oasis HE washer (Model: 110.27087602) and dryer (Model: 110.67087600). Good working condition and has kept our clothes clean for the past year. Includes everything needed for hookup, shoe rack for dryer, and spare power cord for dryer to fit dryer power outlet for your connection.

No longer needed since we have moved to an apartment and washer/dyer are already included with new place. The washer and dryer are taking up space now and we are looking to clear them out soon.

Will sell separately for $250 each.

Please no low ball offers. Not needing to sell but will if the right buyer comes along.

No delivery available; buyer must move and pickup. Location: Burke, VA

Previously listed but buyer never followed through with pickup and buy. Serious buyers only please!

Feel free to ask any questions

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Listing id 20855
Post date November 22, 2015 6:26 PM
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