Kenmore Natural Gas Dryer & Washer in Byron, Ogle, Illinois

Appliances Byron, Ogle, Illinois
150.00 $


Kenmore brand gas dryer for $150.00 cash and I will give you the washer with it. The dryer works great at just 7 years old. Purchased new ones. The washer needs a part as it was leaking a small amount of water out of the bottom. Perhaps if your handy, you can fix it yourself. Or it might need a small part - but you get the washer free with the purchase of the Kenmore dryer. Cross posted, cash only and really would like to sell today(Sunday) or Monday. We will even help load it onto your truck! Pick up in Byron off Rt. 2 near Lake Louise.

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Listing id 33161
Post date April 17, 2016 12:25 PM
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