GE RANGE 1999 model in Weed, Siskiyou County, California

Appliances Shastina, Weed, Siskiyou County, California


Like new GE electric Range top of the line new $ it away ---needs control board which costs $285. Do not bother unless you are handy or have a friend who knows how to do the labor. Has convection, bridge burner, self clean, dual control burner for large or small pots, night light (fluorescent bar across top of control panel). 21 years old and never had a service call on it. Flat black glass top. Never replaced burners for cooking or heating element in oven. White color---clock display with push button controls for oven. It will go to the dump if nobody wants it. Will post images if anyone shows interest. Located in Shastina. 30 inches wide freestanding. 938-3323.

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Listing id 262564
Post date October 30, 2020 5:59 PM
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Bob Noonan
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