Frigidaire 12000 BTU Slider Air Conditioner in portland, Multnomah County, Oregon

Appliances Portland, portland, Multnomah County, Oregon
425.00 $


It's hotter than hell and you're realizing the sliding windows in your apartment make buying an air conditioner expensive, right? How about this like new AC with less than 10 hours of use!?!? We purchased this for $599 last summer then moved to a house with normal vertically opening windows instead of the horizontal (sliding) windows that this is intended for. I'm ready to sell this beast for 30% off. Who wants it?

This 12,000 BTU 115-Volt Casement/Slider Room Air Conditioner is the perfect solution for cooling rooms with casement windows and horizontal sliding windows up to 640 square feet. This unit is specifically designed for use with casement windows or sliding windows and is not suitable for standard (double-hung) window installation. Google the model number if you want to read about how wonderful the remote is and how quiet yet incredibly powerful this baby is.

Please email if you are interested in being cool.

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Listing id 35257
Post date May 23, 2017 3:25 PM
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Steve Gillum
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